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Atraks-1, Fallen Exo


  • Four people stay on the ground floor while two go to space.
  • Once operator vandal spawns, one guardian takes it and goes up.
  • Scanner vandal appears in space, kill it and take buff.
  • Three servitors spawn in both locations, killing them starts DPS in space.
  • Atraks will glow, scanner needs to find it and count down so everyone can attack at once.
  • Operator needs to shoot debuff off of a guardians head in an airlock chamber.
  • Scanner sent downstairs.
  • Downstairs does dps and sends guardian with debuff to space to get cleansed.
  • Repeat til final stand.
  • Everyone meets up in space for final stand where you kill Atraks.


Team Setup

Three guardians in space
Three on ground floor

Alternative Method

Some teams prefer to separate things out differently. One of the more common methods I’ve seen is having four people go to space immediately while two remain behind to kill the servitors downstairs before going to space to one phase Atraks into final stand.

Like mentioned in the sherpa notes below, this is viable but probably not the best for teaching the full mechanics.


This honestly sounds more complicated than it really is. It’s just a lot of back and forth.

I’ll note this down below in more detail, but some things to pay attention to when the encounter starts:

  • All four Atraks clones
  • Location of the four airlocks in space
  • Location of three terminals on either floor to swap buffs

Sherpa Notes

These days you can easily one phase him, but like the security encounter I would probably force the encounter to go longer so New Lights know how the space/ground mechanics work.

If you can make it work, having New Lights rotate between operator and scanner would be ideal so everyone gets a chance to try each role out. This will, of course, end up in more wipes but it’ll be worth it.


A loooooot of add clear and something that can do high damage in a short time like Lament or Grand Overture.

Part 1: The Setup

You’re going to split in to two teams of three as mentioned above.

Shooting the ball by the elevators starts the encounter where two guardians will immediately go to space.

Take Note of the Boss

There are four Atraks clones on either floor. Usually on the left, middle, and right with two clones in one section. Their locations are super important for part 2.

On the ground floor, a vandal with the operator buff above its head will spawn. The remaining guardian of the space team will kill it, take the buff, and take the elevator up.

It’s usually a nice thing when the operator shoots the elevators back down for the ground team, as the only way to summon them is with the panels next to them. This way you don’t have to panic at the last minute.

Or, y’know, be a jerk. Whatever man.

Soon after, six servitors will spawn, three in space, three on the ground floor.

Note: the servitors here do the same thing that they did in the previous encounter, namely, disabling the augmentation terminals.

Wait Why is He Glowing?!

Leaving the servitors alive for some time or killing all six servitors will start dps! Be super careful not to kill all of them immediately. It’s usually safest to just leave one alive til everyone is ready to pop off.

At the same time, a vandal with the scanner buff will appear in space. This must be picked up for a successful dps phase.

When the team ready to be ruthless murder machines, kill the last servitor and group up wherever you’d like. Usually some form of central area is best for the scanner.

Dps starts upstairs, so get ready space force!

Part 2: DPS

Space Team

Immediately, the guardian with the scanner buff should be on the lookout for Atraks.

“But how do I know–”

Yes, yes. I hear you. Remember the note earlier telling you to pay attention to where Atraks’ clones are?

When dps begins, all clones will start to make a noise and glow white as if they’re getting ready to explode.

That’s cause they are. This is, of course, a bad thing. We don’t want bad things to happen.

The scanner will need to look at the four clones to see which one is glowing yellow. The yellow one is the one that needs attacked of course. But you only have about 15 seconds to attack.

Thar He Blows!

If Atraks begins to glow for too long, it will be a wipe. Same goes for if the wrong clone is attacked. It’s important to be precise and timely here.

This is why everyone met up in a central location. It’s best practice to have a small 3-2-1 countdown before everyone unleashes all hell on Atraks.

From here, two things will happen at once.

  • The scanner buff needs to be sent downstairs via the terminal.
  • Atraks will drop a nice orb to be picked up.

This Isn’t the Orb of Power I Wanted!

Two things can kill you here.

  • Leaving the orb on the ground for too long will cause a wipe.
  • Picking the orb up gives the Atraks Replication debuff with the orb appearing above their head, starting a 40 second timer. Letting this run down will also be a wipe.

Whichever guardian has the debuff should go immediately inside of the four airlocks that the operator designates.

From the perspective of looking away from the elevators and towards the room, they are located at the:

  • Top left
  • Bottom left
  • Top right
  • Bottom right

The operator has to shoot the panel for the door to open and time is of the essence, so be cautious.

Our panicking guardian with the orb above their head needs to enter the airlock, preferably further in. From there, the operator will shoot the orb off their head. Be careful, as it can roll a bit and we need it in the chamber.

The newly buff-removed guardian should book it out of the airlock as it will begin to close sooner rather than later. The debuff will be ejected into the void, leaving everyone safe, for at least the next 30 seconds.

Wait, the Door’s Jammed!

Each airlock can only be used once until two additional ones have been used. The operator(s) need to keep track of which ones have been used.

it is very important to note that the operator themselves can pick up the orb. This isn’t ideal obviously. The best course of action here is to immediately run to a terminal to give the operator augment to someone nearby to rid them of the debuff. If someone is feeling frisky though, they can remove it themselves with ricochet rounds.

Also, fun fact, shooting the orb off of someone’s head will cause the timer to restart. You can take advantage of this if needed.

Meanwhile on the…

Ground Floor

Things are honestly mostly the same here as they were in space, so I’ll give a quick rundown.

  • A guardian downstairs needs to take the scanner buff from one of the terminals, as Atraks will immediately begin trying to explode as soon as his clone upstairs is taken care of.
  • The newly minted scanner will proceed to look for the glowing clone.
  • After the countdown, kick Atraks in the head.
  • One unlucky guardian now has the Exploding Orb of Doom above their head and must go to space to remove it in an airlock

You may or may not reach final stand by now, but just in case, the scanner buff should be sent back to space.

If final stand wasn’t achieved, the guardian who went to space to get de-bombed should go back downstairs. This cycle repeats back and forth four times (one for each clone). After the four are done, more servitors spawn and things get hectic again.

When the time comes, get ready for…

Part 3: Final Stand

Once you run Atraks’ HP bar down by about 80%, he will disappear and everyone from downstairs needs to hop on the elevator to go to space.

Things can get a bit panicky if someone needs cleansed last minute, but there’s a small but decent enough window of time to yeet the damn orb into the cold, dark, abyss.

Soon, though, Atraks’ clones will start to glow. All eight of them. That’s right, eight.

The scanner has one hell of a job right now as one of the clones will start glowing as they did before.

However, this time it’s slightly different. After enough damage has been done to one clone, another will start glowing and the party will have to move to the new one quickly until Atraks is dead.

Alternative Method

Again, in later seasons this stage has become slightly trivial. Usually teams will have a Titan with Thundercrash and Cuirass of the Falling Star equipped to do some massive damage, usually taking out the rest of Atraks’ health in one go.

This is also doable if the party is quick enough and hits it with everything they have.

Like a lot of encounters, there are a lot of moving parts here. Once you get used to the timing on things though, it becomes way easier.

Up next is a beautiful space walk with some pretty amazing music. Crank the volume up and head out to meet up with an old pal of ours.